Check out the speakers of the 2024 Environmental Conference!

Experienced specialists in the environmental protection industry, innovators and ecology enthusiasts, outstanding business representatives and representatives of public administration. This is the line-up of speakers at the upcoming Interzero Environmental Conference, who will share their experiences, knowledge, observations and business plans in the field of circularity and sustainable development on September 18-19. Check the agenda of the 2024 Environmental Conference.

Monica Richardson

A Polish Iberian scholar, journalist and TV presenter, she is not only the founder of the renowned Richardson School, but also an experienced trainer in the field of media appearances. As the host and speaker of the anniversary Interzero 2023 Environmental Conference, she contributed her knowledge and experience to important discussions regarding media and culture.

Monika Richardson is also an active participant in the campaign aimed at expanding Poles’ awareness of ecology. Her involvement in these initiatives highlights her social role and desire to influence positive changes in society. As a leader and inspiring figure, Monika Richardson gains recognition both in the world of media and in the field of education and social activities.

Paweł Lesiak

Paweł Lesiak has over 20 years of experience in the environmental protection industry. He is an expert in the field of recovery and recycling of packaging waste and an experienced speaker in Poland. He started his career at the Industry Recovery Organization SA, first as the Coordinator for Sales, then taking up the position of Sales Director. He is the President of the Management Board of the Foundation for Ecological and Educational Solutions “GREEN”. He has been initiating legislative changes in the area of ​​waste management for years. Active participant in working groups at the Ministry of Environment and Climate, Lewiatan Confederation, PIGO and member of the PIOIRO council.

He has been working at Interzero for over 10 years. First, he served as a Regional Director and then as a Managing Director. He has been the Vice-President of the Management Board of the Interzero Group for over 5 years. In his role he is responsible for, among others: for selling legally regulated and unregulated services, searching for new business opportunities and establishing strategic partnerships.

Marta Szymborska

Marta Szymborska has been dealing with sustainable development for 15 years. It implemented the first sustainable development strategy of the Raben Group for 11 countries. She was responsible for the creation, implementation and execution of PR, ESG and social engagement strategies. Since 2017, he has been responsible for ESG in the global organization GS1 Polska. The sustainable development reports she co-created were awarded three times in the competition for the best sustainable development reports organized by the Responsible Business Forum.

She has written over 200 publications on sustainable development. In 2022, she defended her doctorate on the impact of ESG strategies on brand image. In 2023, she helped develop the ESG strategy, including: for No Limit, Arra Group, Solar, Alfa Terminal. He teaches ESG classes at the first MBA ESG at Lazarski University and EMBA at the University of Kalisz. He is a member of the Group for Taxonomy at the Ministry of Development and Technology. In 2023, it trained over 2,000 people in the field of ESG. He is the content manager of the EGS Transformation Manager course.

Paweł Sosnowski

A long-time employee of the central administration, former head of the Waste Management Department at the Ministry of Climate and Environment, participating in the development of, among others, applicable regulations in the field of packaging and post-consumer waste management, including the provisions of the Act of June 13, 2013 on packaging and packaging waste management and its subsequent amendments. Expert for waste management. Author of numerous studies on waste management issues. He serves as the Management Board Representative for Environmental Regulations at Interzero from 2023

Victoria Płocha

Both privately and professionally, she has been associated with environmental protection and sustainable development for years. She started her journey by gaining experience in the field of environmental law in a consulting company and then working with the topic of energy efficiency. She worked as a manager for sustainable development at Carrefour Polska, dealing with the implementation of the sustainable development strategy at the operational level and the implementation of its assumptions within the organization.

She joined IKEA in 2021 as a Leader for Sustainable Development, being responsible for the implementation of the Circular & Climate Positive pillar, as part of the IKEA sustainable development strategy – People & Planet Positive. He runs projects and initiatives in the area of ​​circularity and positive impact on the climate.

Przemysław Kuna

Przemysław Kuna serves as Managing Director at Interzero. He is an advisor in the field of environmental protection. Graduate of the Lodz University of Technology. For many years, he has been auditing entrepreneurs in terms of fulfilling obligations arising from legal requirements and implementing corrective actions related to environmental protection. On a daily basis, he performs functions related to the supervision and coordination of activities in the areas of environmental consulting, ecological education and sustainable development.

Anna Grom

Anna Grom not only represents the Management Board of Interzero in Poland, but is also the President of Interzero Circular Solutions Europe and a Member of the Main Council of Konfederacja Lewiatan on behalf of the Polish Association of Private Employers of Trade and Services. An expert in the field of legal regulations regarding packaging waste management. He advises international companies on how to optimize processes in this area, both through sustainable packaging design and innovative collection systems. She is responsible for the development and coordination of the Interzero group’s activities and setting goals.

Piotr Mazurek

Piotr Mazurek is an expert in Closed-Circuit Economy, also having many years of experience in the field of public relations and public affairs. During his career, he worked mainly on projects related to broadly understood waste management and pharmacy, where he was responsible for monitoring legislative work, coordinating positions and contacting decision-makers. He gained professional experience, among others: in packaging recovery organizations and industry associations.

At the Lewiatan Confederation, he is responsible for regulations related to waste management, in particular for issues related to packaging and packaging waste, the deposit system, and the closed loop economy. Coordinates the work of the Circular Economy Council and the Working Group for Extended Producer Responsibility.

Monika Grom

Monika Grom is a graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics. Since 2008 has the qualifications of a statutory auditor and is a member of the Polish Chamber of Statutory Auditors. Since 2013 member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA). In the years 2008-2023, she served as a court expert in the field of accounting and finance at the District Court in Warsaw. An expert in management, restructuring and Polish and international accounting and financial reporting standards.

She founded and managed a company operating in the professional business services industry for over 15 years. She has been associated with Interzero for almost 10 years. She has worked as a Financial Director and Proxy for over 9 years, and for 3 months she has been serving as Vice-President of the Management Board. In his role he is responsible, among others, for: for the economic and financial policy of the Interzero Group in Poland, automation and optimization of processes, searching for new business opportunities and establishing strategic partnerships.

Konrad Nowakowski

Konrad Nowakowski is the President of the Polish Chamber of Recovery and Recycling of Packaging, which is currently one of the key business environment organizations implementing tasks in accordance with the concept of extended producer responsibility, bringing together entities from various industries, actively cooperating with government and local government authorities. On a daily basis, he carries out tasks related to packaging waste management, eco-design and issues related to the Circular Economy.

He has experience in the practical application and interpretation of environmental protection laws, in particular waste laws, including product laws. Active member of advisory bodies and the Council for Sustainable Food Use and working groups at Ministries. Author of many publications, implementations and patents in the field of science in the field of LCA life cycle assessment, PEF environmental footprint, recycling technologies, eco-design and packaging systems.

Joanna Leoniewska-Gogola

Joanna Leoniewska-Gogola is the leader of the circular economy team in Poland and Central Europe, Deloitte. In the Sustainability & Economics team, she deals with consulting for the public and private sectors in the area of ​​circular economy and towards finding a link between economically and ecologically effective waste management.

He advises companies on adapting to national and EU policies, examining the impact of their activities on the environment. He specializes in creating sustainable, circular business models and transposition strategies towards circular economy, also in the context of non-financial CSRD reporting. It also helps companies adapt IT systems to support management and monitor implemented activities. He cooperates within the value chain in organizations such as Konfederacja Lewiatan and the National Chamber of Commerce.

Mateusz Jemioł

Producer and advertising director. He has over 600 film projects to his credit. Co-creator of many social campaign spots covering important topics, including those related to environmental protection.

Karolina Przewłocka

Karolina Przewłocka is an experienced recycling industry specialist, associated with Interzero since January 2020. She is characterized by commitment, conscientiousness and openness in communication with the team. From 2024 as Manager of Key Customers provides support in the Made4Loop project, in which he is responsible for building relationships with key customers for cups and reusable packaging
in the feedback system. A graduate of the Higher School of Commerce. Bolesław Markowski at the Faculty of Economics.

Dont waste opportunity! Book your ticket now and join us at the Interzero 2024 Environmental Conference!